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00001 /*#################################################################################### 00002 # This Code is part of the libg100 library : # 00003 # # 00004 # THIS LIBRARY IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". # 00005 # NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. # 00006 # YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. # 00007 # THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, # 00008 # LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS # 00009 # WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS LIBRARY. # 00010 # # 00011 # This library is Distributed in LGPL License, read lgpl.txt or go to : # 00012 # # #/ 00013 ####################################################################################*/ 00014 00022 #ifndef __DEFINES_H__ 00023 #define __DEFINES_H__ 00024 00025 #define SEG1 0x1A20 00026 #define SEG2 0x1A60 00027 #define SEG3 0x1AA0 00028 #define SEG4 0x1AE0 00029 #define SEG5 0x1B20 00030 #define SEG6 0x1B60 00031 #define SEG7 0x1BA0 00032 00033 // Memzones 00034 00035 #define ABS(a) (-(a) * ((a) < 0) + (a) * ((a) > 0)) 00036 #define SIGNUM(a) (-((a)<0) + ((a)>0)) 00037 00038 #define INT16MAX 0xFFFF 00039 00040 typedef unsigned char u_char; 00041 typedef unsigned int u_int; 00042 typedef unsigned long u_long; 00043 00044 #endif /* __DEFINES_H__ */
Copyright 2004 The Libg100 Team
Sourceforge Project - LGPL Licensing